Monday, August 17, 2009


When we moved in to the house, we were still working on the floors. This left the garage bedroom the only place to deposit our possessions. We then departed for a weekend, and when we returned, we took photographs of our tightly packed storage area.

Upon entering the garage room from the living room, one notices a bed frame on the wall to the right and a DVD player immediately ahead. What's that on the left? Let's turn a little...

Ah! Now we see that the pedestal for the dinner table is sitting on top of our mattresses and boxed springs! In the right half of the shot is another table, turned upside down because it would fall down otherwise.

Looking a little closer in the far corner, much is revealed. Hygiene products, for example. And a lamp. Is that a doorway in the background?

Indeed it is! If one uses discernment, he may see past the bookcases and the upturned coffee table to behold that the utility room beyond houses our couch, a desk, and a window. Somehow, I failed to mention the cardboard boxes. I guess they're more like the tapestry over which this whole melodrama unfolded.

This was about two weeks ago. Things are much different now. The floors are done in the living room, bedrooms, and bathroom. Our furniture is out and in use. The garage room now allows safe passage without fear of brigands or rockslides. Perhaps I'll put up some pictures tomorrow to show the transformation.

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