Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, this is the period where I need to spice things up if this blog will remain interesting. We're mainly just unpacking, and Annie has a bit of a head cold, so house progress is slow. However, in our first post we promised a little bit of backstory, so here you go.

We were married in September of 2005. After our honeymoon, we moved to Tulsa and began living in an apartment. Our residence in that location continued until last month. We began considering the house option a while back, and we actually started looking about a year ago.

The consideration period was lengthy, and we dwelled on many themes. One of these was debt. I'll quote the verse of the day early:

Proverbs 22:7 - The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower [is] servant to the lender.

So debt is a freedom issue. Now, we don't condemn mortgages, but if we could find a way to own a house without a loan, we'd be ahead of the game. If finances were super lean for a long time, we'd still have a place to live, free and clear. We'd no longer be servants to our landlord, and we wouldn't be engaging in new servitude to a bank or mortgage company. So we started looking at CHEAP houses.

The search had many perilous challenges, too many to relate in one post. Later on, I'll tell the story of our first outing.

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